Best High Quality Sports Nutrition On The Territory Of Ukraine In The Online Store Megamass

Electronic online catalog – a web platform on which you can order a selection of a variety of sports nutrition, from the most recognized manufacturers, verified by time, excellent quality and at very reasonable prices. Megamas team has accumulated on this web platform a huge selection of sports nutrition, vitamins and supplements to achieve various sports goals. For us it is important important opinion of absolutely every consumer, so we make sure that you get the best services, quality and original sports nutrition without harm to your body, as well as which meets the standardization. Buying on the online platform you get your order in the most exhaustive period and without unnecessary fear.

Scientific research confirms that physical activity with exercise has a beneficial effect on our well-being and well-being. Want to learn more about the different types of exercise and their benefits? Go to the source on the site megamass protein and increase your personal awareness of exercise and healthy living activities.

A Diverse List Of Sports Nutrition For Performance In Sports

Going to our online store, you will be able to notice a wide variety of supplements for sports, which are necessary for every athlete to increase endurance, build strength, better muscle growth or total weight gain, as well as rapid recovery after physical activity. Familiarizing yourself with the category you will find a product for a specific purpose, whether it is mass gain, or on the contrary weight loss.

Apart from a considerable range of sports nutrition supplements, you get high quality products that are manufactured as per the required standardization in technologically equipped factories.

We carefully form sports nutrition for the assortment list, so we have sports supplements from brands that are already proven over time. Also, for more democratic prices for sports nutrition, we conduct business relations with a part of manufacturers directly, buying sports nutrition directly from the manufacturer, thus avoiding the intermediary markup, all our customers get a quality product at a very affordable price.

Therefore, choose the right category, make sure to check out the large selection of sports supplements, move the item to your cart and getting it in a quick time frame, proceed to get your goals accomplished.

If you desire a healthy and active way of life, we recommend you to check out our online store of nutrition for athletes. Here you will be able to purchase a large selection of quality products to help you achieve your physical ambitions. Whether your desires are muscle stretching, fat burning or endurance enhancement, our store offers the best choices. Navigate our internet site now and purchase everything you need to achieve your athletic goals: myprotein creatin . Recognize the physical hero in you right now!

Mega Protein

Protein is a key building component for our muscles, which we can get from food, such as poultry or animal meat, fish, eggs, fermented milk products or dairy products. However, sometimes there is not enough time to eat, or even the opportunity, so in this case, protein comes to the rescue, which is easier to consume the daily norm of protein. Without it is very difficult to do without it during weight reduction or gaining lean muscle mass, moreover, if here we mean both a bodybuilder and an office worker.

At the moment, the market provides a huge amount of protein, and in powder form, to mix up a tasty shake, or ready-made protein bars and cookies, which can easily be used as a ready and nutritious snack.

As for raw materials, we have present:

  • Whey protein – it is quite common and it is chosen most often due to its excellent amino acid profile, loyal price and full absorption by the body. It will work wonders for athletes as a base to supplement the necessary amount of protein during the day.
  • Casein protein – most commonly bought as a fairly nutritious evening snack, is made from dairy products and is tangibly digested, averaging 5 hours. Perfect to stop overnight catabolism and breakdown of our muscles.
  • Soy protein – most often bought by vegetarians who do not consume animal products. This protein is made from soybeans and is different in that it does not have a complete list of amino acids required by our body.
  • Multicomponent protein is produced by combining several previous proteins, in particular, it may contain whey, casein, as well as albumin. This protein is most often purchased by people with irregular eating schedules as a hearty snack, as it is absorbed for up to 3 hours.

Weight Gainer

Gainer is a sports food that is mainly chosen for weight gain because it contains a predominant amount of carbohydrates and a relative amount of protein, which gives the muscles an extra boost for weight change.

Sportspit for weight gain can be segregated by protein content:

  • Low-protein supplements are supplements with a greater emphasis on the energy component to increase calories, with protein per 100g serving typically containing up to 15g.
  • Medium Protein – a supplement that is similar in combination of protein, fat and carbohydrates to an average meal and is a fairly optimal choice for increasing overall mass. The product can range in protein content from 13g to 26g per 105g serving.
  • High protein – a position that is suitable for people with a very unbalanced diet, or for those who are interested in better muscle gain, because the protein per serving is more than 24 g, in addition, the dosage of carbohydrates is not significant.


Another well-known component as creatine supplement belongs to the sports nutrition for increasing strength in training. It is quite often taken in combination with protein or a carbohydrate-protein mixture for a strong effect to increase mass and muscle growth.

A variety of brands offer many forms of creatine supplements, however we advise you to pay attention to the following:

  • Creatine Monohydrate – the foundation for your motor changes, the most proven researched form of creatine that allows you to raise your energy reserve and boost strength. Additionally, it increases muscle water and reduces joint and ligament injury.
  • Tri Creatine Malate or Tri Creatine Malate is the choice for athletes with intensive training, and utilizes a blend of malic acid to help improve creatine uptake, increase endurance, and reduce water retention in the muscles.
  • Creatine hydrochloride – for those who do not need excess water. Due to the peculiarities of the composition, it increases strength, but does not retain water in the body at all.
  • Complex creatine – is a mix of different forms, including, may include the previous ones, less water retention, may have a positive effect on endurance and strength, allows the body to perceive the creatine supplement in a new way.
  • Powdered creatine is the most cost-effective option for supplementation because it has the maximum amount of active ingredient per serving and a large number of servings.

Bcaa amino acids

Amino acids are the elements from which protein and our muscles are synthesized, accordingly, additional intake of such elements can improve recovery, endurance, including alleviating the manifestations of crepature and many other properties.

  • Essential Amino Acids, these are all the components our body needs to recover and improve muscle growth, best suited when building lean muscle mass.
  • Complex amino acids are a combination of substituted and essential amino acids, which our body needs for numerical functions, including recovery. They are best taken to supplement the diet in case of malnutrition.
  • Glutamine is an essential amino acid that is produced to a certain extent in our body by itself and helps to alleviate the symptoms of crepitus, pressure and support immunity.
  • Arginine is an amino acid, the consumption of which dilates blood vessels, improves muscle pamp and helps to reduce blood pressure.
  • Taurine is an amino acid to take for additional mild stimulation before exercise and to support the nervous system from overload.

Sport fat burners

Fat burners refer to supplements that aim to stimulate the body, including facilitating the use of fat cells as energy. They can be moderate or powerful, so people with CNS or cardiovascular problems should be careful during the selection process:

  • L-carnitine is a supplement that is similar in structure to water-soluble B-group vitamins and facilitates the transport of fats into the mitochondria, where they are burned for energy during exercise.
  • CLA is a beneficial acid that improves the utilization of fat as an energy source, and promotes better growth of lean muscle mass.
  • Multi-component thermogenics – supplements that contain several ingredients to increase energy, body temperature and metabolism.
  • Shots weight loss supplements represent a subcategory of items, particularly in the form of l-carnitine or complex variants as a portioned drink for simple use.

10 most trending sports supplements products in Ukraine

Fat burners refer to supplements that aim to stimulate the body, including facilitating the use of fat cells as energy. They can be moderate or powerful, so people with CNS or cardiovascular problems should be careful during the selection process:

In this listing you will discover protein complex, gainer, creatine supplement and numerous other working options.

  1. Kevin Levrone Gold Iso;
  2. Kevin Levrone Oat Meal;
  3. Real Pharm Real Mass Gainer;
  4. BioTech USA 100% Creatine Monohydrate;
  5. Kevin Levrone Series Gold Creatine;
  6. Kevin Levrone Gold Line Gold BCAA;
  7. Universal Animal Flex;
  8. Universal Animal Pak;
  9. Puritans Pride Triple Strength Omega-3.

About the company

We system began its existence in the city of Chernivtsi in 2009 with the sale of sports nutrition sports supplements, but since then and until now we are constantly developing and improving, always taking into account the needs and demand of our customers.


To conclude our analysis of nutritional products in Ukraine, it can be stated that this sector shows steady progress and evolution. Nutritional products for athletes are becoming increasingly popular with people working towards a healthy lifestyle, physical development and achieving their sporting goals.

In summary, nutrition for athletes plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, maximizing the effectiveness of training and achieving athletic performance. When choosing sports supplements in Ukraine, you should focus on proven manufacturers and consult with professionals. Let your path to sports well-being and health be successful and joyful.